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Handbooks & Applications

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Parent Handbook
Employee Handbook
Enrollment Registration
Employee Application
Emergencies and Notifications for
Accidents or Incidents
Safety, Smoking, Prohibited Substances,
and Guns
Indoor and outdoor environments used by our program are designated non-smoking areas. The use of tobacco in any form, alcohol, or illegal drugs is prohibited on the facility premises. Possession of illegal substances or unauthorized potentially toxic substances (pesticide and herbicide) is prohibited. No guns or lethal weapons are allowed in or around the facility.
Evacuation Plans, Drills, and Closings
Evacuation plans are posted in each classroom above the sink. Fire drills are practiced monthly during different times of the day, including nap time. Program closing will take place as emergencies arise.
Fire or Risk of Explosion
Anyone who discovers smoke, fire, or risk of explosion will pull the fire alarm located in their designated area.
Evacuation Procedure
In case of an emergency evacuation, the following plan will take place:
The firm alarm will be sounded
The staff will give children clear and simple rules to stop their activities and proceed to the classroom door
Staff will then escort the children of the building to a designated safe place
Power Failure
Staff will comfort the children and explain the situation, and model for them how to remain calm. The director will discover if the power outage is confined to the facility or includes the neighborhood or
surrounding area. Flashlights are stored in each classroom. Unless the power failure is accompanied by an emergency situation requiring evacuation, children will be kept inside. Should it be necessary to leave
the building, staff will follow emergency evacuation procedures.
Lock Downs, Drills, & Closings
Lock Down
If Crowned Kids’ is ever informed by the city of South Bend, Mishawaka or St. Joseph County Police of an emergency situation that requires us to stay inside, all doors will be locked and will remain inside until further notice from the police.
Fire Drills
Fire Drills are practiced monthly during varying times of the day. Once a year in the Fall when the Fire Department brings their truck to the center for a visit, the fireman observes our evacuation procedures as we conduct a fire drill on that day. The fire department also teachers the children fire safety.
Tornado Drills
Tornado and Hurricane drills are practiced once per month. Documentation logs are kept on all drills. Tornados (NAEYC 9.C.11) Children’s Program: Director will notify staff of severe weather. Staff will evacuate children out of the classroom, taking all emergency contact information and flashlights. Children will be taken downstairs to the basement and wait for further instruction. The director will take a cell phone and radio with batteries. Staff and children will remain in this area until the threat of the storm has passed and the Director releases all groups.
Center Closing
If a SNOW EMERGENCY is declared by the city or county that the program is located in, and/or if staff members cannot safely arrive to work, we may be forced to close for the day. If we need to close due to harsh weather or an emergency we will post our closing on Fox 28, Channel 22 and WN Channel 16. Tuition will not be refunded for emergency closings, due to ongoing expenses. If the center must close early due to an emergency, parents will be contacted and need to pick up their children immediately.